Thursday, December 24, 2009


Merry Christmas :D The video speaks for its self! ;)

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Friday, December 18, 2009

Here comes Santie Claus....

Can you believe it? Because I can't. I feel like I've completely time traveled and then just like BOOM, it's December 18th and a week until Christmas! On my other blog (click here to view) I have to start a whole week dedicated to Christmas pictures. It's crazy, I mean the whole year has just been flying, flying, flying by. It's weird... again. Time changes, and comes and goes way to fast.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

What does Ellie want to do?

Well, what I would love to do isn't exactly suited for this blog (and no nothing dirty!). Mostly just some photography stuff, eat, sleep, etc. And mostly not be bored. Because that is a frequent problem with me. Evidently, because I don't have many -glups at word- goals. Or, that's what my crazy mom thinks. I have -glups- goals. But they're all in my head. Some might be just to get up in the morning and take a shower. Because half of the time I seriously don't feel like taking a shower. And never-the-less getting up. That seems to be a slight problem sometimes because getting up is hard sometimes. You know those days where it's just like, "GODDD. UGHHH. I DON'T WANT TO GET UPP! BLAHH. I JUST WANT TO STAY IN BED ALL DAY." That is typically my morning on Tuesdays.

Well, I have nothing else to rant about. :)

OH! No, wait, sometime after and maaaaybe before Christmas I might be putting up video vlogs. I'm guessing that would be funner for me. But, this is fun, but I love making videos. So, yeah. (:

Okay, yep, so, Ellie out!

Friday, December 11, 2009

What I've done so far today. (Since 10:28 AM)

I looked at the clock in the kitchen and said, "Dang it's only ten thirty?" Then I paced a bit, "What am I gonna do with myself today?" (FYI: It's a early cleaning day so I got to play hookie & my brother isn't here to pester) Then I spotted some bananas and they were really pretty yellow looking so I got one. Then I couldn't get it open without smushing the whole top of it. And I hate it when that happens because then when you eat it it tastes nasty. So, I got a knife and I cut the top off and peeled it. I licked it before I peeled it and got all of the spit sucked out of my mouth and I'm pretty sure I made a weird face when that happened. So I ate a bite of the banana and thought it could be a little bit sweeter but it was still good. Then I walked into the den and a couple of things were bugging me. There was a blanket that was folded (that my prissy dog was using for a pillow who is now getting vacuumed cleaned by my mom...) on the floor and I put that on the couch and then a ball that was on the floor and I put it in a basket. I know, I have a small case of OCD from my mom who is all nice & neat twenty four hours of the day. And then I got on my laptop and wrote this fantastic little story. And this has only sucked up twelve minutes of my time. So now I'm thinking about reading this book that I've read like a hundred times again.
And my fattie dog had a hard time laying down & he was softly chewing on a ball and then gingerly lay it down on the floor.
I swear, that dog is the most weirdest dog in existence.

OK, so I'm probably gonna go take a nap. Naps are good. Naps are healthy ;)


Wednesday, December 9, 2009

You know you're sleepy when...

You know you're sleepy when you're reading something and it seriously catches your interest but your eyes are still glazing over and you have to keep mentally reminding yourself, "Don't fall asleep!"
Because I'd say about once every week if not twice or three times that's me. I have to remind myself to stay awake and not to fall asleep because: A. I'll get in trouble. B. I won't be able to sleep tonight. C. I really want to keep freaking reading this!
And I hate it like when you're so moody just the littlest things will set you off. Like I just got a little upset because I realized I have to get up and put lotion on my hands because they're dry. And then like I have to go get the dogs water and I really don't feel like it. And it just overall is like UGH.
That's how I feel today. UGH.

Oh well. I slept in this morning so I'm not sure why....
But now I have to go do two things that I am not sure why I got upset about.
Okay bye :D

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Busy (BL) week!

If I were you right now, I'd be pretty darn curious what that (BL) means in the title.
Well, me if I was you, I am about to tell you!
BL stands for "But lame" so, the title means "Busy but lame week!"
Catching' my drift yet, paternakis?
Yes, that means that my week is going to be lame, but busy. Which isn't a bad thing one hundred percent. We're going grocery shopping & more lame stuff. But, besides that I don't remember much. OH! Wait yes I do. Saturday me & my brother are voulenteering at this thing kinda like toys for tot's, but not really. So that it's self isn't lame. But the week is, Saturday is the weekend so Saturday you don't count. :)
I'm so freaking sleepy though, I have been a lot lately. I mean, I didn't even take a shower this morning. And I'm kind of a shower freak, I take one everyday and if I could I'd take two. I'm not all germy or anything, it's just I like being clean. And water soothes me or something.
Maybe I was a professional swimmer in my past life or something, cause I love swimming too.
I need to find out how to stay awake better though, because my eyelids are glazing over when I type and that makes me worried as to what I'd type.
Lets see.
its no my time i theres a fear song sinnng tomastoes bah typs im sleepy im going to bsleep glyhead dizzy
Whoa. That was kind of messed up, I think I was in twilight sleep a bit.

OK! I'm gonna go get some coffee or something.
Bye! :D

Thursday, December 3, 2009

So cold it could be a blizzard!

Wow, who would have thought in a MILLION years it would be this cold in TX... this early! Usually it's still 60 degrees in December! Oh well, it's really cold though. It's like 34 and it might snow tommrow. But it's a certain year like a o-hooey or something to where it's colder and wetter this year (can you sing "Let it snow?), so hurrah for that! :)