Wednesday, December 9, 2009

You know you're sleepy when...

You know you're sleepy when you're reading something and it seriously catches your interest but your eyes are still glazing over and you have to keep mentally reminding yourself, "Don't fall asleep!"
Because I'd say about once every week if not twice or three times that's me. I have to remind myself to stay awake and not to fall asleep because: A. I'll get in trouble. B. I won't be able to sleep tonight. C. I really want to keep freaking reading this!
And I hate it like when you're so moody just the littlest things will set you off. Like I just got a little upset because I realized I have to get up and put lotion on my hands because they're dry. And then like I have to go get the dogs water and I really don't feel like it. And it just overall is like UGH.
That's how I feel today. UGH.

Oh well. I slept in this morning so I'm not sure why....
But now I have to go do two things that I am not sure why I got upset about.
Okay bye :D

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